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What to bring:

  • Bring water. Yoga is detoxifying so it is important to stay hydrated.


  • Bring a yoga mat and a structured blanket that can provide support when rolled or folded. A few may be available to borrow during class but please do not rely on this.

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  • If you are prone to lightheadedness, bring an apple and/or nuts to class.

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  • Additional props you might own and would like to use such as straps, blocks or eye pillows. These items are not necessary.


Things to be aware of:

  • Listen to your body; Let the teacher know if you have any injuries or special conditions.

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  • Good breathing will come with time.

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  • A light snack before class is good, a heavy meal is not.

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  • Wear layers.

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  • Bare feet are preferable but during end relaxation we often put on our socks and sweaters.

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  • Asana, pose, and posture are all interchangeable words for the same thing: the physical placement of the body in yoga.



  • Arrive on time for class. Give yourself the gift of being prompt so you have the chance to calm yourself before starting.


  • Please turn off your cell phone, unless you are on call. If so, let the class know at the start.


  • For your own comfort remove big jewelry and watches, and avoid wearing heavy zippers, buttons or belts.

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  • Speak up if you have a question or if something is not working for you. We are here to share. Your feedback is important.


  • Bring your presence into class quietly.


  • Be gentle and kind to yourself, try not to compare yourself to others, allow time and space for change to happen naturally.



Enjoy your time and remember that laughter is the voice of spirit.

If you are a first time student, please arrive a few moments early to fill out these forms or feel free to bring them to class completed in advance. This will help me understand where you're at and what you'd like to get from class.

Goals & Experience

Release of Liability

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